MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 40    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month

21:38 Sep 27 2007
Times Read: 892

First impressions are everything. What you say, what you write and how you act. If you act like an asshole, you will be treated as one. If you have offended people, they will remain offended. It is one thing to ramble on in a words not naming names and expressing how you feel, it is another thing to directly pin point people out. When you have crossed a certain line, you cannot expect everything to be erased and forgotten.

You have to make a decision to censor yourself or not. If you choose not to than you must deal with what comes with that decision; especially if you choose to make your words public. In my opinion, if you do make your words public, you are asking for everything and anything you get. It’s like starting a fire without being near any water… if you choose to light the match and throw it to the dry wood... you cannot just make the fire stop by saying ‘Okay I’m done’. It doesn’t work that way.

If you don’t want to be labeled as something, then do not act like one. Plain and simple.




03:18 Sep 27 2007
Times Read: 917

I am going to get west nile. I just KNOW it.

I was leaning out the window taking pics. I forgot to slide the window back over to the screen part. ( we have those fancy you can clean both sides of the window without going outside ones) and in comes a bastard mosquito.

It's plotting. I can feel it.




02:33 Sep 25 2007
Times Read: 931

My Gift From FortunateFool ♥

I dig it!! With a Shovel, baby! =D




21:32 Sep 23 2007
Times Read: 948

I cannot believe people. O.o


| Unblock |

Date: 14:59:50 - Sep 23 2007

Rating: 10

Comment: i am horny you wanna cyber???????

A comment left on my profile.

For the love of fuck. O.o




06:28 Sep 16 2007
Times Read: 1,007

There is a thread in the main forum called Negative Energy = Poltergeists?

I have seen the episode of A Haunting that is being talked about. After I saw this episode, it really made me think about certain things that have happened to me over the past few years.

Now both of these situations I had a lot of inner turmoil going on. Bottle that all up with Stress, emotions, negative energy… etc..

First time this happened I was living with a significant other at the time. We broke up 2 months after moving to a new city. I still had to finish out a years lease. The situation turned horrid. It became very volatile, both physically and mentally. I was becoming violent. None of these things happened until a few months after breaking up, when things really started to become bad.

I had a ‘dream’ (I used the word dream because that is really the only way to describe it. I wasn’t in a state of sleep. I felt a part of my body get up, even thought my physical body didn’t move) that I got up and opened my closet door. Inside stood a young girl, age of about 8, blonde hair in pigtails, pink bows on her white dress and in her hair. Looking down at her feet she wore white ankle socks and mary-jane shoes. She said her name was Emily.

From this point on things started to happen. In my room the blinds would move as though someone was running their finger along them. In the bathroom if you were taking a shower, the same thing would happen.

Both roommates would hear the sound of a little girl giggle. At night they would feel something brush up against them, or tug at their blanket. Almost like games a child would play. I would hear what sounding like walking in the attic above my room.

There was an accident that resulted in a hole in the ceiling. We patched it to get it fixed up. When we woke up the next morning there were finger marks in the spackle. We all swore one another did it. So we got on a chair and each put our finger in the spackle to see whose fit. Both of there’s were WAY too small. I got up there and my finger was the fit. I know I didn’t leave my bed.. I was sleeping and I wouldn’t have climbed on a chair of death in the middle of the night to bust my ass.

After that things kind of died down, until on really strange night. I was on the computer talking to a few people. I looked over and seen the fan needed to be cleaned. (My roommate was sitting behind me) I sat on the ground and started to fiddle with it. Then my ex called. While we were on the phone I heard the faint voice of a little girl.. I said huh? .. my ex said.. I didn’t say anything. Then Suddenly.. I remember BEING that little girl. I looked down and I was kneeling on a sidewalk.. there was green grass, a white picket fence in front of me. I looked down at my clothes.. I had the SAME clothes on as I described earlier. Then I said, “ I found a penny.” Course it was the little girl voice and NOT mine. All of a sudden I came too.. I said I have to go. I was kneeling on the floor with a penny in my hand. My Roommates face was WHITE.

I moved home shortly after that.

After I moved home, I once again had a hard time. Things were going on. I had someone come stay that I didn’t want here; I had someone else that was showing true colors. Basically the same internal struggle, stress, negative energy and bottling up emotions. All of a sudden a few people have said they have felt a negative energy in one part of the house, the hall to the utility room; which contains washer, dryer, cupboards and etc.

If you turned your back it would feel like a rushing of negative energy coming up behind you. It would feel mean and extremely angry. People who I was bottling up emotions about, REALLY felt it. I cleansed the area thinking it was something in the house, but it wouldn’t leave. The more I bottled up, the more it grew.

Then finally both of them left and it’s gone. It’s not here any longer.

It’s really just strange.

I’ll probably never really know what they were.

I’ll always wonder.




03:15 Sep 15 2007
Times Read: 1,022

Someone hand me a life jacket!

Emo's are crying!

We're all gunna fuckin drown.




Between Jail Bars and Orange Jumpsuits....

22:26 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 1,061

I am NOT interested in hearing any type of "You're sexy " comment from anyone under the age of 18. Hell, I don't even want to hear it from people under the age of 21. It creeps me out. It also disturbes me.

There are enough 'kiddie diddlers' on this site. I AM NOT one of them.

So move along. Don't waste my time.

Point Made Here:

My Response before Block:

Since you didn't get the under lining meaning to what I said previously.. let me flat out say it:

I am not a "kiddie diddler". There is enough of them that roam this site. I am not one, nor do I wish to talk to you any further.

its not rape if no one finds out

On 21:38:34 Aug 20 2007 CountessMoon wrote:

That's alright.

There is something about a 17 year old calling me sexy that creeps me out and makes me see orange jumpsuits and prison bars in my future.

On 21:31:55 Aug 20 2007 seeingtheblackness wrote:

hey whats up sexy haha not much here. hope ur doing well well if u wanna chat add my yahoo or msn

yahoo: xxxx

msn: xxx




21:39 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 1,063

This is one reason why I only want certain people to have my messenger names:

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:


LaineyPie says:

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

firstly sorry

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

i seee u on vr

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

i wanna talk u

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

if u talk me

LaineyPie says:

What's your VR name

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:


cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:


LaineyPie says:

If you seen I was on VR then you know my VR name.


LaineyPie says:


cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

i wanna dirty

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

do u like it

cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

LaineyPie says:


cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

do u like

LaineyPie says:


cydmm_06@hotmail.com says:

what are u likes

LaineyPie says:

Not you




18:37 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 1,072

People are all up in arms about the Purgatory Coven. It's pretty comical to watch people get bent over something that isn't their concern.

If you don't like it, don't deal with them. it's that simple.

People are acting like, and I am sure saying, it's the worst Coven.. blah blah.. You know I can think of some pretty bad Covens from before. They get all bent because of the way it's run.

I swear if your not in the Coven what the hell business is it of yours? Seriously, people need to keep their nose in their own Coven and things will be fucking dandy. Maybe someone else thinks that the leader of another Coven is Shitty and they don't agree with what they do. Big Fucking Deal. It's getting old watching people disagree with something that have no control over. It's not YOUR site... Shut up for fuck sakes. Stop beating a dead horse. Actually the horse is so beaten it looks more like mush now. It's OLD... move on to the next VR Hot Topic.

If you're not in there, then don't worry about it.

If you don't like the way it's ran, tough shit.

Then go somewhere else. It's that simple.




03:27 Sep 09 2007
Times Read: 1,087

:Dances around happily:

I told You MONTHS ago you were going to have a girl!

=D =D




07:11 Sep 08 2007
Times Read: 1,103

This is how romantical my Ho is:

"Baby your so damn fine I wanna blow my load all over your face to preserve your beauty"

Totally Romantical.




05:01 Sep 08 2007
Times Read: 1,117




06:27 Sep 06 2007
Times Read: 1,148

I have an obsession for poptarts.

Strawberry.. with frosting.

They are Delish.





20:48 Sep 05 2007
Times Read: 1,168

[note to self]

The Biddy Smack down is hot.

[end note]




07:56 Sep 03 2007
Times Read: 1,198

I am cranky.

I doubled clicked my mouse to much. It stopped working. :(

The scroll roller thing.. won't do anything.

I thought maybe my finger was getting traction.. So I licked it.. placed it in the middle.. and proceed to move my finger.


I'm sad.. it was my favorite one.




02:19 Sep 02 2007
Times Read: 1,216

I hate MCR.. I cannot stand their songs or their voices. I wish they'd choke.




23:19 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 1,221

I am not a big chit-chatter one on one. I really never have been online. Specially with people I don't know. I am not good at the whole, ask questions and find out about one another. Unless, I am REALLY interested. That is pretty damn rare.

I have a small amount on my Friends List. And an even smaller amount that I actually talk with. Maybe.. 17. Okay add a couple that aren't on my friends list because I just haven't added them.

Most of that list is females. I talk to around 4 guys on a semi-regular basis. It's hard to impress me. :giggle:

That and I am an only child, I am content with playing with myself....er by myself. Well, in both cases I must be really impressed by a person to play with them. Or even consider playing with them.

You know.. I did have a point to this somewhere... or I was going to make a point..

:stops to think:

There are some people I really just don't want to know. Why? Because I think they suck. :shrug:

That wasn't really the point I was going to make, but I can't remember now.

Or even where I was going to go with this.

This is what happens when I get side tracked.

:goes to look for trouble:



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